Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence
Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2018 Banteay Srei Spotlight: “You are so much more than your identities”
California Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Culturally-Relevant, Community-Based & Collaborative Approaches in Anti-Trafficking Prevention
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Training in How to Identify & Confront Sexual Exploitation
Banteay Srei offers training to health clinics, community based organizations, and schools that are in need of more information about the commercial sexual exploitation of children. Banteay Srei believes that more community-based and culturally relevant solutions need to exist, so that marginalized and invisible populations can access the services and resources they need to survive and grow into the happy and healthy individuals they deserve to be.
For young adults, adults, and practitioners
Clinical Indicators and Health Effects of Commercial Sexual Exploitation—clinical cases of commercially sexually exploited children (CSEC), high risk clinical indicators, health effects, best clinical practices to identifying and working with CSECs.
Sexually Exploited Minors 101—defining sexual exploitation and child sexual abuse, basic recruitment phases and patterns, clinical indicators, health and social effects
For youth
Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships, Coercion and Sexual Exploitation—how to identify signs of a healthy and unhealthy relationship, the cycle of abuse, understanding coercion, signs and levels of sexual exploitation, what to do if you or a friend needs help, local resources and adult allies
Two part workshop: Cycle of Violence deals with identifying and understanding what is internalized violence (discrimination: racism, sexism, classism, ageism), interpersonal violence, and institutional violence, as well as how these forms of violence play out. Cycle of Healing offers a process of healing, understanding steps to healing, and being an agent of changing the cycle of violence.
Case consultation for community providers (community physicians, health care providers, youth development workers, case managers) working with the SEM/CSEC population are available.