Banteay Srei is a youth development, asset building organization that is non-judgmental of young SEA women who are at risk of or engaged in the underground sex trade. We seek to provide the resources that support their healthy development through self empowerment and self determination.


In 2004, health counselors, social workers and educators from Asian Health Services, the East Bay Asian Youth Center and Oakland Unified School District, recognized a rising trend of sexual exploitation and recruitment amongst Southeast Asian women and girls in Oakland.  After seeking resources and concluding that the only existing resources to respond to the needs of this population were situated in juvenile hall, Banteay Srei was formed. Banteay Srei was created in order to meet the needs of this specific population with a culturally relevant approach.

Banteay Srei is a safe space for young Southeast Asian and Asian American women, that promotes sexual health education, community building activities and leadership development to foster cultural pride, and self-determination for women at-risk of or suffering from sexual exploitation. Banteay Srei provides social, peer and intergenerational support, healing arts, reproductive health education, life skills-building and leadership development. The name Banteay Srei comes from an ancient temple in Cambodia which means “the women’s temple”- built to honor female deities and representing strength, unity, and safety. This name was chosen to inspire a space that would be created to honor women and provide tools for self-empowerment.


Elizabeth Sy

Board President | Co-Founder

Mia Nakano

Board Member

Monica Hoang

Board Member

Narinda Heng

Board Member

Hamida Yusufzai

Program Manager

Lily MacMillan

Community Health Advocate Goddess

Dani Miguel

Reproductive Wellness Goddess

Audrey Inouye

Indigenous Doctor in Residence

Lea Akima

Youth Ambassador

Leilani Prak

Youth Ambassador

Sasanna Yee

Mindful Movement Instructor

Paige Logan

Research Goddess

Rita Phang

Volunteer Goddess

Saphia Nguyen

Volunteer Goddess

Jamie Gatus

Volunteer Goddess

Myka Soriano

Bong Srei

Deborah Dang

Bong Srei

Katie Nguyen

Bong Srei

Natalie Chu

Bong Srei

Vivian Li

Bong Srei

Nyia Luna

Artist in Residence

Kaylee Dang

Intern Goddess

Melissa Co

Intern Goddess

Mi Luong

Intern Goddess

Delia Zhou

Intern Goddess

Sarah Melek