Sasanna Yee

Sasanna Yee

Sasanna Yee is the executive director of Communities as One and a mindful movement instructor. She is passionate about inspiring people to awaken to and integrate their body’s own wisdom for healing. Sasanna holds certifications in both Yoga and Medical Qigong (pronounced chi-gung) from various institutions. As a survivor of various assaults and traumas, Sasanna deeply understands that the healing process is not easy, yet it is possible!  Since 2014, she regularly holds classes, workshops and speaks with youths, seniors, and others about the empowering benefits of mindful movement for individuals and for the collective.  As a facilitator and space holder, Sasanna has witnessed the transformative power of different communities breathing and moving together as one. People remember who they are and why they are here.

“Move the Chi” is a set of moving meditations based on Qigong (pronounced chee-gong) principles to bring harmony and wellbeing for mind, body, and spirit. QI means Energy, GONG means Cultivation. It helps reduce stress, improves vitality, connect us to the present moment, and build stronger relationships with each other and the universe.